Corporate Mediation

Workplace culture affects workplace productivity, the mental health of employees and ultimately the bottom line of your business.

Destructive conflict within work environments occurs because parties have different perspectives and they haven't been been able to communicate and resolve the conflict for themselves. The objective of corporate or workplace mediation is to encourage each party to share their views and and to help find agreement about past and future interactions. 

It is the mediators role is to help lead the parties to identify what changes in their interactions and behaviours are required that will support them to work respectfully, professionally and productively moving forward.

Mediation is voluntary and involves confidential discussions by the relevant people about the issues in dispute. The discussion gives the participants an opportunity to be heard, and to hear what each other has to say. Effective workplace mediation will move employees away from hostility, and encourage them instead to engage in rational dialogue and work towards generating solutions.  

The process is confidential, balanced and impartial. 

If you would like to inquire more about our services, please call or email us.

Text 0426 817 310 or email for enquiries: